Monday, 10 June 2013

“What does Woman Want?"

In a World bereft of Common Sense, Common Decency and Common Respect for each other; there has been and always will be a Common Question that has plagued the male of the species for generations uncounted, since the dawn of the species.
An excerpt from the Philosophical Novel : "Andrai_el Whispers (What an Ang_el has observed...) I give you a plausible Answer to that aged and ancient of all questions:

"What does a Woman Want?"

A Woman wants to lead as leaders do, while she follows blindly. They want to stand by your side; in front of you and behind you; on your shoulders and on your back, while she is equal, yet not equal to you. She wants you to care for her and her family, as long as you do not care for her or her family, because she can care for herself and her family without you.
     She wants you to fend her, as long as you do not fend for her, because she can fend for herself and for you with what you have provided for her. Defend her against all odds if you dare, because she can defend herself, when the odds are in her favour. She wants you to do what she says, when she says, because she says to, as long as it was your idea. She wants you to listen, until you're deaf, when she can finally say, you're not listening to her.
     She wishes to be equal to you, because she is woman, but your equality is nonexistent, because she is after all a woman. She is your only delight, your joy and your pain, when pain has no joy or delight. You must see only her and no other, except for those she points out to engage you in meaningless comparison, which leads inevitably to arguments you cannot win. She shall question you on subjects you have little business answering and force you to answer so she can claim you never cared. She will force you into a corner only to claim you cower there. She will strike you like a man and claim you started it.
     Any form of defense is hers to use, but you are not allowed to defend yourself against her tirades. The World is Man’s fault, while she rules your world, because she is all that. She no longer cooks, cleans or does any form of feminine chore, they are beneath her, because her man will do anything for her. She will exhaust your life and your energies quickly, only to claim sole dominion.
     She wants you to spend 24 hours a day in her company, never leaving her side; except for the 24 hours a day you spend working to provide the things she wants. She wants a pair of shoes for every colour in the rainbow; a Diamond for every star in the heavens; a bag to hold everything or to hold nothing and an outfit to match each and every shoe, jewel and purse.
     She wants everything from you; she wants nothing you, she wants you to serve her, hand and foot, yet never be her slave, because she slaves for herself. She wants anything and everything her heart desires and everything your hearts desires, as long as everything your heart desires is “her”. She wants you to cuddle, to squeeze her and keep her safe and warm, as long as you never touch her.
     She wants you to cherish her every day and night, but never stray too far from her demands and commands because she believes she is Nature itself; never taking responsibility for that, which she has wrought with her simplistic ideals. Ideals which have dragged Mankind backwards down the path of evolution.
     She wants you to understand her, when she doesn't understand herself; to know her when she doesn't know herself and to trust her when she doesn't trust herself. She wants you to see her for whom she really is, under the fake hair, fake nails, fake breasts, fake lashes, the make-up, the lifts, the tucks and all the alterations she may make to herself and her body, but she wants you to be real.
     She is engaged in a constant battle with weight and the desire to eat anything she wants, because it’s all good for her and it’s all bad for her, as she diets without exercising and exercises without dieting; remembering at all times, it’s entirely your fault, even though you've done nothing wrong. She wants to be the center of attention even when she is nowhere in sight. She wants your life to revolve, evolve and orbit hers even when she does not care that you exist.
     In essence, she claims she knows everything and she wants everything, while she doesn’t really know what she wants, but whatever she wants, she wants it now. Once she has had it, she no longer wants it; unless and until someone else wants it, then she wants it back. Everything is hers for the taking, because she is woman and she will share with her female friends until her female friends want what she wants. If there is something in the world that can be had, a Damsel wants it and she will drag every female with her into the abyss that is her selfishness. All Damsels want and will always want more.
     All females believe they are the same, while males regard themselves as similar to each other; theirs is a competition, which is more civil, more open and more visible, unlike that of the females. The female on the other hand is more devious and cunning. Hers is an imaginary world, in which she rules the world; where she wants for nothing, where all things are provided for by the male, but thus, was once the case and then it was not enough. Is her ideal now the end of all things? fore that is the direction the Damselle points the species.
     Nature will and can never be the mother as claimed, because Nature does not abandon it young needlessly, nor does Nature have offspring out of spite, without responsibility or casually. Nature nurtures life in all its forms, it promotes balance and harmony among all things, where the human female, both Damselle or Nurturer, do not.
     In Nature the male is the giver of life; the nurturer does exactly that, it nurturers the life given, educates it and brings it into the world, where it is further trained to become the adult its parents are; unlike humans. I have yet to discern where the human female garnered the ideology that Nature would be perceived as a member of so cunning and devious sex, but Nature is far more kindly than either the of two human sexes.

Why she wants it? She can never tell you, but she wants it, now and she want it ALL!

Observe this as the last of this text; the female should look not for what she can gain from any relationship with another, but to what she can contribute to the Unity of the Species. Anything short of this continues the downfall of the entire Species. Is there a female among the humans of this Earth willing to be the continuing architect of another removal from another Paradise? Where in the Universe will the Species relocate to, once Mankind has destroyed this One?

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

1 comment:

  1. Whispering, you are always in the back of the mind making me think twice. This is well written and thought out. All of this is True in one way or another.
