Wednesday 26 June 2013

Suffer the Children to come...

     As cherished friends, relatives and dear family members grow older, a thought comes to mind; it is difficult to realize continued life without their company, but it is even more difficult to release them from long term obligations of friendship and family obligation earned over decades.
     Whose life is more cherished; the living or the dying? Difficult to discern, when the living care so little for who lives and who dies; beyond their borders. Difficult to discern as they commit loved one to infirmities equal to imprisonment and incarceration. Difficult to discern when such loved and cherished lives are condemned to suffer in agony and pain; tantamount to torture. Difficult to discern when the pursuit of oppression, repression and destruction surpasses all forms that engage Peace.
     It is difficult indeed, to lose those one loves to illness and infirmity, death and disease; worse yet to watch them suffer in pain. There are only 2 prayers one can offered here; the first for Healing that may or may not come and other for the release from the pain and suffering; into the Peace sought for the entirety of that Life.
Which would you choose?
Which demonstrates the Compassion and the Mercy sought throughout the ages by all Mankind?
Would you deny others their Rite to Peace as you deny them their Rite to choose that Peace, while attempting to gain that Peace yourself?

Suffer ye the Children of Man to pass this way to Peace.
© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Friday 21 June 2013

"An Educated Illusion"

     I have been giving some thought through observation of the human species and how they educate their offspring and how they turn such instruction over to those they believe have their best interests at heart. This of course prove to be the canard of human existence.
     In a World contrived and build on the hierarchy of individuals and individuality; one thing escapes most people, while education and its availability are supposedly for all to partake, the truth is far from evident. Who is educating your children and how are they  establishing such equality of instruction that is non-evidenced in the resulting graduation of more and more illiterate young people trolling the streets and avenues of every country of the World.
     The decided outcome of today's "dumb-down" attitude to education, blames the children for not wanting to learn, while the administrations remove the exciting and progressively positive attributes to schooling. Though "Apprenticeship" is decidedly the best form of education and nepotism is a renowned form of passing on one's knowledge to one's offspring; some occupations frown on children being part of the every delivery of service or labour.
     Societies around the World disapprove of one form of education or another, but in truth; all societies disapprove of equal education taught equally to all children. With age limits imposed on the beginning of their "Dumb-down" ideology of education; one finds many unworthy of education sliding through with ease, while those who desire to learn and absorb knowledge as sponges do water, are ignored for racial, ethnic or financial biases.
     The species relies on the formation of classes; upper, middle and lower; with each have education dispersed and parsed according to the above criterion and biases. The best schools are in the best neighbourhood, while the lower class schools are found lodged in ghettoes the world over. a student subject has to be exceptional in their endeavours to be propelled beyond the boundaries of established by society and the individual is rewarded for their prowess.
   If every child had equal opportunity as they claim to learn an equal curriculum established in a World-wide pattern, there would be an increase in the number of so-called exceptional students. Prejudice, petty jealousies and biases are human traits, unabashed and vividly evident in every corner of the circling globe. If you want smarter students , you need to start with a smarter system and curriculum and teachers willing to put aside their personal biases, prejudices to teach children; not based on who they are, but that they are.
     If the species wants equality in their citizenry, they must first share in the education of their offspring in like manner. One cannot say that all students are equal if one is unwilling to teach all students equal curriculums in equal systems with equal verve and equal dedication. The fault is not in the teacher or the teaching, but in the administration and the administrators who decide what is taught, how it is taught and who it is taught to.
     As a conscientious parents wanting the best for your children; perhaps you should begin with the manner and means by which your children's education is administered. Education is not a privilege it is a rite of passage for all children in their struggle to become the adults all want them to be.
© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Thursday 13 June 2013

The Economic Catch 22

A Stimulating Economy

I have given great thought and made lengthy observations of Mankind’s economic crisis. Possible resolutions, which can ultimately revive the dying process of commerce within and without nations and countries are being ignored; fore there are those among humans who care little for their fellow human.
Theirs is the nature of “greed” and they don't care what another person has to endure, as long as their wallets remain fat and their coffers full. How can Mankind ever expect to stimulate any nation's economy, when those who need financing the most are ignored, while the few who require financial aid the least are rewarded for bringing the world’s economies to such a pass. They prove their ignorance and stupidity with every action and request. They already have more than can be exhausted in many lifetimes, but beg for more at the expense of the entire world’s future.

Their actions and request bear no resemblance to economic stimulus, but a search for greater rewards for a job poorly done. They were granted the commerce of nations, both internally and externally; what have they done with their abilities to maintain this thriving and prosperous enterprise? They have flushed world commerce down the toilet.

The Great Depression of the 1920’s returns to share its grievances with the entire world. The global economy spirals downwards and the wealthiest humans among the populace seek to rewards themselves for not helping where their aid is needed most. Worst of all, those already with one foot at the edge of the grave seek to increase what they cannot take with them, before they shuffle off their mortal coils.

What has escaped these wealthy, powerful and greedy people is the simplest of economic factors; ignored by seemingly uneducated intellectuals, economic gurus who have little clues to the concepts and ideals of economic inception and rebirth. One must look first to the origins of commerce to recreate from the present that, which is needed most to stimulate any economy. One must spread the wealth of nations with the peoples of those nations, that they would be able to drive the vehicle that is commerce forward into the future.

The vehicle has stalled and those who drive now are reluctant to get out and push, while those who have been pushing no longer have the strength to push, because their bellies are empty and they are losing their homes. They have lost their incomes and worry about their personal futures, before they worry about the futures of any community, city, state, province, country or nation. If they cannot earn what is needed to sustain their personal households, their personal economy, so to speak, there is no world economy.

What the world’s economic experts fail to envision ands realize is simple; the world’s economy begins and ends in the average home. Here is where one needs to stimulate any economy. It is within the average household that the world’s economy must first look to realize the pitfalls which have returned to plague the world economy.

Greed is the first devil found herein; fore the world’s economy cannot function properly while greed is an attribute of commerce. Observe closely the flawed conceptions of capitalism; the ideals and ideas that profits are never ending. If all the money in the world is held in vaults, what is there for the average person to spend on those things which make others wealthy? This becomes further fruitless, when one observes, large companies firing and laying off employees in the false perception of creating greater profits.

If the common people have no finances to purchase that, which they need and require to survive each day, how will the companies they once worked for, prosper? It is a simple “Catch 22” scenario. Companies need people to buy their wares, but refuse to give people the finances to buy their wares. How will any company ever thrive thus? Auto manufacturers want people to buy their cars, but unemployment is on the increase, but instead of making cars that are affordable, they increase the price to increase their profits.

The simplest example of Economic Stimulus is as follows: A bread manufacturer makes thousands of loaves of bread, but cannot sell them to people who cannot afford to buy bread. So they lay off bakers to maintain profits. There are now more people who cannot buy bread. This is not the means by which one stimulates any economy. One must begin where economy begins.

If one wishes to bailout an economy, put the money into hands, which will stimulate any and all economies; put it into the hands of the average person. While the wealthiest complain, their ignorance is wholly visible; fore they realize not that average people are the consumers of all things, services and all products. If they don't have the money to buy what they need and want, no one will survive economically.

There is enough money in the world’s treasuries to give every man, woman and child on this planet $100,000,000 and still have a surplus in trillions. It is said there is not enough money to go around. What a canard; fore the wealth of nations belongs not to nations, but to the people who make up these nations. Imagine the stimulus to any economy, anywhere in the world if average people didn’t have to pay taxes for twenty years or they were given a cheque for $1 million dollars.

Here’s the simple “TRUTH.” When you give people money, two things happen depending on who you give money to;
1. If you give money to average and poor people, they race out and spend it, sometimes frivolously.
2. If you give money to wealthy people, they race to the bank to save it.

Which of these two scenarios would induce the breath of life into any economy? Any economic crisis can be traced back to the root of the first and most grievous of evils; GREED. The rich wish to maintain their wealth, but are unwilling to part with it to perpetuate the economies on which their wealth is derived. “Catch 22.”

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Wednesday 12 June 2013

A Historic Enigma

Abe Lincoln & John F, Kennedy
I, like most people enjoy a good mystery, but more than that; I observe that an enigmatic lie exists. Here's that enigma, one of Historic proportions. Have a History teacher decipher this one.
The photo to the left is one that most people should recognize, especially those in  North America; they are part of America's history, engraved into the psyche of the country.
Here is that dissonant enigma, better yet, let's call it an extraordinary coincidence. A compilation of extraordinary coincidences between two extraordinary Presidents; Abe Lincoln & John F. Kennedy.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860; term starting in 1861.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960; term starting in 1961.

Both were particularly concerned with Civil Rights.
(Lincoln freed the Slaves; Kennedy gave the slaves Civil Rights.)
Both had wives that lost a child while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Now it gets really weird:
Lincoln's Secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon B. Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth,who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of assassinating Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of 15 letters.

Now hang on to your seat:
Lincoln was shot at the Theatre named "Ford."
Kennedy was shot in a "Lincoln Limousine" made by "Ford."
Both Booth and Oswald were themselves assassinated before their trials.

...and here's the "kicker;"
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

...and Finally...
Lincoln was shot in a Theatre and the assassin ran to a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassin ran to a Theatre.

Now is that a coincidence or what?

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Man-kind vs Peace?

I open this dissertation, first by saying welcome and hello. Poet Leo, am I. You know little of me, but I know much about you. Secondly, I open with a unique question. One I have asked often throughout History and many of those I have become acquainted with and their friends over the past few years.
     One I have wondered about for what seems to be all my lifetimes. Every time I observe another day’s conflict, another day’s economic crisis or another day of war. Every new day there is some new atrocity. So I contemplated, thought long and hard on these human crises, a search for truth and I understood the question no human, no army, no government, no ethnic, no religious or cultural group as ever asked of its patrons. The one question rarely posed, rarely answered in the history of Mankind’s constant warfare with themselves;

“What is PEACE?”

     Before humanity can answer this question, I would ask any who would answer, to first put aside your anger, it is wrongly placed; secondly, think not of their individual lives, but of the lives of everyone on this world. It is always easiest to see the world from ones own eyes. It is most difficult to see the world through the eyes of others, as it is to walk a mile in another’s shoes, but for one to answer this question with an educated, experienced, knowledgeable and informed answer, one must look at the world through those other eyes.

"What is PEACE?"
     Peace is described as; freedom from wars, or the time when a war or conflict ends; the signing of the peace agreement. Look closely at the world about you, treaties and pacts have been signed, charters and demands have been made from one end of history to the next and still Mankind wars. As one looks at a world in so called crisis, all peoples, do not see with open eyes; it is not a world in crisis, but it is Mankind in crisis. At no time during history has the world seen complete freedom from war, so this cannot be a definition for Peace. The freedom from war, where ‘Mankind once said “never again,” is incarcerated by soldiers following orders they have yet to understand.

"What is PEACE?"
     Peace is described as; tranquillity: a calm and quiet state, free from disturbances or noise. This tranquility can be and has been experienced many times the world over, at most times when the world is asleep, only to awaken to the noise and disturbances of lives lived in poverty, disease, desolation and war; fore if a single human walking the Earth this day goes hungry, they have not know the calm and quiet states, that monks and priests observe beyond the norm of civilization. However the world is not at Peace, fore it has never known such calm, such quiet state, lasting tranquility. The tranquility of Peace is interrupted by war, crime and turmoil.

"What is PEACE?"
    Peace is described as: mental calm: a state of mental calm and serenity with no anxiety. Are such transcendental states the norm of every day life? When during the course of this fast-paced, avarice and economic world today, does anyone have the few moments for mental calm, under the daily stresses of their own lives, not to mention the lives of all those who struggle for survival in the war-torn regions of the world; those who hunger and dwell in poverty, their lives have fewer moments of mental calm. The mental calm is replaced by constant stress and worry over what the next day will bring.

"What is PEACE?"
     Peace is described as; harmony: freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people. In what part of the world today can one find such harmony, this freedom from conflict and disagreement. Is Africa, the Middle East, Europe, the Americas or any part of the world where crime exists, where war rages, where average people disagree and conflict with each other know of such harmony. Look at this congregation gathered here today in disagreement of what is happening elsewhere in the world. While together you stand here in unison, angered at the actions of others, and the lives lost through petty conflicts and the inhumane treatment of you peers, thousands of miles away, there is no harmony. The harmonious freedom from conflict is enjoyed, only by those with enough money to watch from a distance.

"What is PEACE?"
     Peace is described as; peace treaty: a treaty agreeing to an end of hostilities between two warring parties. Where in the world have these treaties be honoured after ratification and signing. As new leaders take control of countries and states around the world, where are the ancient treaties signed in good faith honoured? Promises made and never kept, initiate disagreements and conflicts across the globe, where treaties and agreements have been forgotten. Treaties signed to ensure Peace are used to initiate wars.

"What is PEACE?"
     Peace is described as; law and order: the absence of violence or other disturbances within a state. Where Peace reigns throughout the land. In what land do they speak; when to land has crime, there is no peace; when there is poverty, there is no peace; when billions starve, there is no peace; when countries and states conflict and war, there is no peace. Where innocent people struggle to survive, while fanatics war, there is no peace. Look at the state of the world, the Middle East, Africa, Afghanistan, Europe Union, China, the Russian Republic, I see no freedom from war, no tranquility, no mental calm, no harmony, no treaties and no law and order. The laws enacted to Serve and Protect are daily used to enslave and oppress.

"What is PEACE?"
     When you consider the World, every Country, every State, every Region take unto themselves laws for some never enforced for others. Where the rights of humans and humanity can be altered depending on ones religion, ethnic background the color of your skin can be observed as atrocities perpetrated on innocent people. No only are these things evident, but Mankind as a whole does nothing to resolve them. They refuse to stand together, because they fear each other.
     While that fear festers in every heart, mind and soul, it is up to each of you to choose what happens next. Content you may be with your lives here in this seemingly peaceful land, but look more closely. Troops, Canadian Troops risk life and limb in other countries to preserve that which none have ever had. How fair the mental state of families and friends of those fighting in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world.
     While you stand here, I am sure there is little mental calm within this group, not to mention those who are forced to endure the warring states, which encircle their lives with death and destruction. The Gaza Strip holds your attention today, but what will hold your attention tomorrow. Peace should hold your attention every day. Peace is the lesser violence that Mankind chooses to ignore. It is a balanced equality and harmony of “all things.” Mankind knows not Peace, until they understand and agree with a single conceptual ideal of Peace.

"What is Peace?"
     Peace has many definitions, but no tangible effect to the human race. Until all can live in Peace, none are at peace. It is terrifying to Mankind‘s warrior leaders. Terror is observed as the enemy on both sides of a battlefield, where the innocent lives of children are lost, where adult disagree and conflict over, wealth, power and fame, where humans are oppressed and enslaved through economic means.

"What is Peace?"
    If all Mankind cannot share in its warmth, in its harmony and in its mental calm and serenity. For how many years have the people along thinning lines on the battle maps of the world have to endure the human sacrifice at the hands of other humans, These are your brothers, your sisters and your families, who live on both sides of this conflict, neither side knows why, they just know they fight. Hidden in the political boardrooms of the world, the UN and these petty leaders cry out for an end to hostility, but does nothing to stop the bloodshed.
     As many protest against hostility, they too use hostility to gain their point, be not thus, lead by example. All those who fight and engage in wars evade peace. On cannot gain Peace through hostile means. Mankind has yet to learn this. What benefit to the protest, if one cannot lead voice to Peace through Peace. They will provoke you, they will engage you, they will oppress you; they will drive fear into your hearts, with rhetoric and irony. These are words, they do not inflict pain, only action does. Their lies will echo in your ears as you gather in harmony and Peace. They seek the turn your attention from these conflicts, these war and these disagreements. Do not be so easily turned.
     As you stand here today, look at each other, united as brothers and sisters; without you they have no one to war with. Take care brothers and sisters, do not become one of them. Do not seek Peace through violence on their level, but through the reduction of violence. 6 degrees separates each of you from every other person in the world, what peace have you shared with them this day or any day?
   Peace must be earned. Earned through the efforts of Peaceful intention, through Peaceful means. Diplomats seek only personal gains, not the service of the innocent; theirs is a world above the laws they install to govern others. As the united peoples of the World, there can be only one set of rules for all Mankind to live by. United as they are Nations, as long as they have been together, no standard has ever been set.
     How many civilizations have already been lost in search of Peace? How many innocent lives have been ended, fighting for Peace? How many thousands of years has Mankind yearned, dreamed and begged for Peace. If Mankind’s leaders cannot provide Peace, it is time to seek new direction. The UN is powerless to act, political, ethnic and religious leaders promote war and conflict through fear. A non-existent fear, which they use to control the masses. As you stand here gathered, do you fear the person beside you, or those protesting as you do around the world. All of you together protest WAR to gain Peace, but know not what Peace is. It is time to learn about Peace through Peace.
     How many World, Political, Ethnic, Religious, Cultural and Community Leaders have been selected for their want for War and not their Service to you or Mankind or Peace. From the security of their fortified strongholds, they command armed personnel to shed the blood of families, friends, loved ones, while children die in the streets. They claim they serve YOU, it is time they served you in Peace! Mankind wants Peace; know this: that Peace comes only when all Mankind shares Peace; when all the people of the world can stand as you do now, united against the tyrants of WAR.

I observe from on high that Peace starts there; there with you gathered together; united to end the Wars that shed Innocent blood, not only in the Middle East or Africa, but anywhere and everywhere around the World! It can be done and it can be done Peacefully!

written May 13th 2009
© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Monday 10 June 2013

The Word of God?

I put forth to Humankind in this blog a simple Question:
"What is the Word of God?"

Is the "Word of God" in what is said by the members of this, the Human Species?
Is it in the Deeds of Humankind?
Is it in the Dreams of Humankind?

     I ask, because I am aware of how many times humanity uses terminology such as; "God said this" and "God said that." The truth is God speaks to the hearts of the faithful through his messengers; fore the Word of God is the "Light of Wisdom." Too few among humanity's members have such wisdom or enlightenment to understand such words as would be directly from God, that only his messengers are capable of comprehension.

     While there are numerous writings and stories and other forms of text issued the "Word of God." there are fewer still who have heard the Voice utter such words as God would utter. The Commandments all, ye have broken. The Seven Deadly Sins are the way and direction of humanity's lifestyles of excess; utilised. The Golden Rule is completely ignored. So, where then and how then does anyone claim to have heard such words? When they have always refused to act on those  words that had been passed down from generation to generation from the beginning of recorded Time.

     Having heard such words as would have been spoken to one such as I; I believe for faith's sake; I seek no further proof. While Mankind seeks the excesses of Life, they are not mine to seek; while Mankind ignores God words; they are not words I ignore. How then can Mankind believe such words as Mankind would claim are from God; when the human messenger of such words lives not by the very words the claim are from God?

     In human conflict; both opponents pray to God for aid in vanquishing their enemies; when God has commanded, saying; "Thou shalt not kill." Religious leaders the world over spew forth words of religious interpretation; all supposedly issued by God, but none of these leaders are prepared to live by those very words. How then can Mankind live by them? As Mankind ventures into their places of worship; I propose a test; close your eyes; kneel down in pray and silently say these words:

     "Heavenly Father, I come before you in Jesus' name. Guide me from this path Mankind has set before me; that I may know thy Wisdom."

Then listen to the drum beat of your heart for the words that his messengers will inscribe there for you and you alone.

     No one, no other can tell any other what God wishes of each member of the Human Race; fore each member walks a path that no other can tread. While the guidelines are simple, it is in the following that Mankind has failed. All Mankind is guilty of being human and in being human, Mankind errs, when they contrive and conspire to inform others of their interpretation of what is the "Word of God."

I wrote this Blog upon this day for all to come and read; fore here within the text inscribed, no word from Him concede. So, all may come, observe as I; how Mankind has changed the "Word;" fore the altered meaning gives the false Shepherds control upon their flocks.
(Dec. 6th 2007)

"Men of the Cloth", and "Men of the Church", are not necessarily "Men of God." "Men of God" do not necessarily reside in the "House of God."

Yet, "God" is always spoken of and found in places of confinement such as Jails; is not a Jail, a "House of God?"

I believe the ideal "House of God" is made up of three parts.
The "Holy Trinity."
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit or The Mind, The Heart, and The Soul.
It is here you will find your "House of God;" within each of us!"

Written Apr. 27th 2004
© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

The Unwritten Rules

Alas, someone (G. Cross), has taken the time to write this all down.
Finally, "The Guy's Side of the Story."
I must admit, this is pretty good.
     We have always heard the "Rules" as laid down from the Female's side; now here are the "Rules" from the Male's side.
     These are the Rules females ignore.
Please note, these are all Numbered as #1; on purpose.

#1: Men are not Mind-readers.

#1: Learn to work the toilet seat; you're a big girl now. If it is up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complain about you leaving it DOWN.

#1: Crying is Blackmail.

#1: Ask for what you want; let us be clear on one thing.

  • Subtle hints don't work
  • Strong hints don't work
  • Obvious hints don't work
  • Just say what you want.
#1: YES and NO are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

#1: Come to us with a problem, only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

#1: Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument; in fact all comments become "Null & Void" after 7 days.

#1: If you think you're fat, you probably are; don't ask us.

#1: If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of those ways makes you sad or angry; we meant the other way.

#10: You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done, not both. If you already know the best way, how to do it; just do it yourself.

#1: Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during the commercials.

#1: Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we.

#1: All men see in only 16 colours, like Windows Default Settings; Peach for example is a fruit not a colour; Pumpkin is also a fruit; we have no idea what Mauve is.

#1: If we ask what is wrong and you say "Nothing," we will act like nothing is wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

#1: If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

#1: When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine; really.

#1: Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as Sports; ie: Football or subjects like Motor sports.

#1: You have enough Clothes!

#1: You have enough Shoes!

#1: I'm in shape; "Round" is a shape.

#1:Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that; it's like camping...

Pass this to as many Men as you can - to give them a laugh.

Pass this to twice as many Women as you can - to give them a bigger laugh, because it's True.
© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

“What does Woman Want?"

In a World bereft of Common Sense, Common Decency and Common Respect for each other; there has been and always will be a Common Question that has plagued the male of the species for generations uncounted, since the dawn of the species.
An excerpt from the Philosophical Novel : "Andrai_el Whispers (What an Ang_el has observed...) I give you a plausible Answer to that aged and ancient of all questions:

"What does a Woman Want?"

A Woman wants to lead as leaders do, while she follows blindly. They want to stand by your side; in front of you and behind you; on your shoulders and on your back, while she is equal, yet not equal to you. She wants you to care for her and her family, as long as you do not care for her or her family, because she can care for herself and her family without you.
     She wants you to fend her, as long as you do not fend for her, because she can fend for herself and for you with what you have provided for her. Defend her against all odds if you dare, because she can defend herself, when the odds are in her favour. She wants you to do what she says, when she says, because she says to, as long as it was your idea. She wants you to listen, until you're deaf, when she can finally say, you're not listening to her.
     She wishes to be equal to you, because she is woman, but your equality is nonexistent, because she is after all a woman. She is your only delight, your joy and your pain, when pain has no joy or delight. You must see only her and no other, except for those she points out to engage you in meaningless comparison, which leads inevitably to arguments you cannot win. She shall question you on subjects you have little business answering and force you to answer so she can claim you never cared. She will force you into a corner only to claim you cower there. She will strike you like a man and claim you started it.
     Any form of defense is hers to use, but you are not allowed to defend yourself against her tirades. The World is Man’s fault, while she rules your world, because she is all that. She no longer cooks, cleans or does any form of feminine chore, they are beneath her, because her man will do anything for her. She will exhaust your life and your energies quickly, only to claim sole dominion.
     She wants you to spend 24 hours a day in her company, never leaving her side; except for the 24 hours a day you spend working to provide the things she wants. She wants a pair of shoes for every colour in the rainbow; a Diamond for every star in the heavens; a bag to hold everything or to hold nothing and an outfit to match each and every shoe, jewel and purse.
     She wants everything from you; she wants nothing you, she wants you to serve her, hand and foot, yet never be her slave, because she slaves for herself. She wants anything and everything her heart desires and everything your hearts desires, as long as everything your heart desires is “her”. She wants you to cuddle, to squeeze her and keep her safe and warm, as long as you never touch her.
     She wants you to cherish her every day and night, but never stray too far from her demands and commands because she believes she is Nature itself; never taking responsibility for that, which she has wrought with her simplistic ideals. Ideals which have dragged Mankind backwards down the path of evolution.
     She wants you to understand her, when she doesn't understand herself; to know her when she doesn't know herself and to trust her when she doesn't trust herself. She wants you to see her for whom she really is, under the fake hair, fake nails, fake breasts, fake lashes, the make-up, the lifts, the tucks and all the alterations she may make to herself and her body, but she wants you to be real.
     She is engaged in a constant battle with weight and the desire to eat anything she wants, because it’s all good for her and it’s all bad for her, as she diets without exercising and exercises without dieting; remembering at all times, it’s entirely your fault, even though you've done nothing wrong. She wants to be the center of attention even when she is nowhere in sight. She wants your life to revolve, evolve and orbit hers even when she does not care that you exist.
     In essence, she claims she knows everything and she wants everything, while she doesn’t really know what she wants, but whatever she wants, she wants it now. Once she has had it, she no longer wants it; unless and until someone else wants it, then she wants it back. Everything is hers for the taking, because she is woman and she will share with her female friends until her female friends want what she wants. If there is something in the world that can be had, a Damsel wants it and she will drag every female with her into the abyss that is her selfishness. All Damsels want and will always want more.
     All females believe they are the same, while males regard themselves as similar to each other; theirs is a competition, which is more civil, more open and more visible, unlike that of the females. The female on the other hand is more devious and cunning. Hers is an imaginary world, in which she rules the world; where she wants for nothing, where all things are provided for by the male, but thus, was once the case and then it was not enough. Is her ideal now the end of all things? fore that is the direction the Damselle points the species.
     Nature will and can never be the mother as claimed, because Nature does not abandon it young needlessly, nor does Nature have offspring out of spite, without responsibility or casually. Nature nurtures life in all its forms, it promotes balance and harmony among all things, where the human female, both Damselle or Nurturer, do not.
     In Nature the male is the giver of life; the nurturer does exactly that, it nurturers the life given, educates it and brings it into the world, where it is further trained to become the adult its parents are; unlike humans. I have yet to discern where the human female garnered the ideology that Nature would be perceived as a member of so cunning and devious sex, but Nature is far more kindly than either the of two human sexes.

Why she wants it? She can never tell you, but she wants it, now and she want it ALL!

Observe this as the last of this text; the female should look not for what she can gain from any relationship with another, but to what she can contribute to the Unity of the Species. Anything short of this continues the downfall of the entire Species. Is there a female among the humans of this Earth willing to be the continuing architect of another removal from another Paradise? Where in the Universe will the Species relocate to, once Mankind has destroyed this One?

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Friday 7 June 2013

"Life Lived in Excess"

The Excess of Lifestyle
     Hello and welcome to the relaunch of the "Mankind Observed" blog; formerly known as Angelic Observation. I had to made some changes and alterations to what I believed was a boring editorial of Mankind's exploits over the decades I have observed them.
     In this "Copy & Paste" digital World, where people choose rather the easiest way before the correct way; where simple terms and terminologies become a collection of letters with multiple meanings leading inevitably to a confusing future mired in the ever-present conflicts that have plagued the lives of humans, from one point on the globe to the next.

     I have made countless inquiries of you, my supposedly and errantly termed fellow humans for insight into why you people perpetuate the stupidities and inanities people repeat ad infinitum  I grow nauseated by this continuous and repetitious need by one person to control others by command through oppression, repression and depression. It becomes a conscious expressions of a human desire to eradicate themselves at any cost.

     What is it with people these days, worst than they were in the past, by minor degrees, while exceeding all expectation for misery inflicted on each other? "Live and let live," become a repetitive tenet churned out in countless messages amongst people; shared, copy & paste from facebook, to Twitter, Google+ and a host of competing so-called social networks doing their best to control how and what it is to be social.

     Who are they control junkies that seek to control ones digital internet lives with a plethora of rules and regulations contrived to give their clients a canard of security and privacy, which cannot exist as long as it is placed in the digital data-banks to which a number of programmers and administrators and who knows how many others have access to?

     The best bearer of ones security and one privacy is the individual who is prepared to keep that, which is private; private. Such was the case for my personal Google+ Account, which I was informed by some interred Google+ Team needed my actual and True First and Last Names to create some digital versions of a Real World connection. Are these people living in the real world or pretending to live in the real world, where identity theft has become the source of security contention and fodder for a supposedly humorous flick. If I wanted stranger to know who I was I will introduce myself to them in person and not in a digital world created to mimic or ape the real world. Until that day, if someone is looking for me; they search and find me thus: "Whispering Angel."
     I have been observing this trend to sell yourselves cheaply to the highest bidder; to share, sync and digitally splash yourselves across the World Wide Web via their handheld digital devices  So simple and easy it is to deprive any individual of their identity when the holder cares so little for it in the first place. None can deny how easy it is to keep their important information close at hand, while foregoing the reality of how easy it is for it to go astray, stolen, lost  and misplaced in a World rushing to be something that it is not.

   As the Freedom of Speech dwindles to becoming the Freedom of Anagrams, which alter by the user for individual purpose, which as I have stated will create further confusion in the coming future, bot near and distant. I observe the excess of life as a direct cause of the aforementioned need for speed and instant gratification.

     Mankind wants to get there in a hurry, where they are going they have no clue, but they really want to get there quick. Every digital gadget that can get them a few split seconds of extra time will be purchased at any price defined by the manufacturer as more and more the workmanship falters and fails.

     Thus I bring your attention to the Seven; the greatest and most deadly sins and errors of mankind observed centuries ago and growing worse with each passing year. I present to Mankind the one thing they need not copy & paste, because they are taught by every human to every offspring through inheritance.

Seven Deadly Sins:

Avarice: An excessive passion for acquiring or hoarding material wealth and riches.

Envy: An excessive desire to possess the materials and goods of others. 

Gluttony: The act or habit of eating to excess. 

Lust: Excessive sexual appetites, especially seeking immediate or ruthless satisfaction. 

Pride: An excessive and undue sense of one's own superiority, an inordinate self esteem, arrogance or conceit. 

Sloth: An excessive disinclination to exertion, habitual indolence and laziness. 

Wrath: Excessive, extreme or violent rage or fury, a vehement indignation.

These 7 have plagued the excessive lifestyles of Mankind since the dawn of their existence. Every human is guilty of at least one of these excesses, as they rush forth into an unknown future with enough ignorance to out last Mt. Everest.

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock