Tuesday 1 December 2020

STOP !! written 29-11-2020

Friends, Humans, Earthlings; 

To whom it may concern…


If one truly wants to rid the world of Bigotry, Discrimination, Prejudice and Biases of any kind, one has to STOP using the very Terms and Words that perpetuate the issues one is trying to eradicate.

1) There is Prejudice and Bigotry; there is Hatred of others by reason of the Colour of their Skin, their Ethnicity, their Religion, or their Sexual Preference.

2) There is no such thing as “RACISM.” To be a Racist is to hate all Mankind! RACE is a misnomer, a Social Construct without merit created by Bigoted Men to divide a single Race; to give them superiority over others. The Human Race should not be separated groups, designated, and designed to divide a single Race into categories that truly do not exist.

3) People hate a Culture, which is not a RACE; they hate Religion, which is not a RACE; they the Genders and Gender Identity, which is not a RACE; they hate diverse ethnicities, which are not RACES. When you realize that simple truth, then and only then, will one begin to understand the PATH to eradicating Bigotry, Prejudice and Hatred … and that all begins with EDUCATION.

4) The terms used to divide the Race are not the best terms one can use to Unite the Race, while one continues to divide that group through those ‘Prejudicial” terms used for centuries by Bigots everywhere.

How does one end this – STOP using the term Race …PERIOD! There is only ONE RACE – FULL STOP!

Anyone that believes there are separate RACES on Earth is delusional and should not be given a platform to repeat their delusional conspiracy!

The Future claims to be a Global Community that will observe Equity and Equality; to do that, STOP dividing people with terms that do not exist.

People are PREJUDICE, they are BIGOTS, they HATE- and while Humans continue to divide themselves, unity can never be reached.

To EDUCATE is to lead out of Ignorance, when do you think is a good time to start such an Education. When one continues to teach the same Bigotry, Hate and Prejudices that promote division can one expect anything to change?

This is your “Social Imbalance,” that the terms that divide be repeated generation after generation!

STOP perpetuating the LIES, the Stereotypes and illusions that separate ONE Race… one can never find PEACE, while Division is the only thing one teaches to the Children of the Future.


Thank You

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock


Saturday 30 May 2020

A Preamble for World Change

Of Ethics & Equity

W.E.C.A.N. Preamble...

  Whereas and in recognition of all inherent dignity, sanctity, prosperity, health and of the ethical, equal, and inalienable rights of all members of the "Human Race" are the foundation of Freedom, Justice, Balance, Harmony, and Peace in the World,

Whereas any disregard and/or contempt for a human’s rights have resulted in barbarous acts, which have outraged the conscience of the larger group, section, percentage, culture or ethnicity, gender or skin hue that is collectively mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy the freedom to speak truth (neither lies, nor hate) and the accurate belief (not misinformation) and enjoy the freedom from Slavery, Indentured Servitude, Oppression, Tyranny or fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of all human-kind,

Whereas it is mandated, if any percentage, culture or ethnicity, gender or skin hue that is collectively mankind is not to be compelled, to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny, injustice, inequity and oppression, that their human rights shall be, must be and should be protected by the Just and Equitable applied Rule of Law,

Whereas it is essential to educate, promote the development of friendly and equitable relations between nations, states, provinces, communities, groups, tribes, percentage, culture or ethnicity, gender, or skin hue that is collectively mankind,

Whereas the United Peoples of the Earth have in this Declaration reaffirmed their faith in fundamental and equitable nature of human rights, in the dignity, sanctity, prosperity, and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men, women, disabled, gender identified and skin hues and have determined to promote equal and ethical social progress and better standards of life for all its members in larger peace and freedom,

Whereas Member States, Nations, Groups, Sections, Culture or Ethnicity, diverse Skin Hues have pledged themselves to achieve, in equitable co-operation with W.E.C.A.N. (World Ethical Congress of Allied Nations), the promotion of ethical, universal and equitable respect for and observance of human rights and all fundamental freedoms natural to the collective body of humanity,

Whereas a common and ethical understanding of these human rights, sanctity and freedoms are of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Now, therefore the WORLD ETHICAL CONGRESS of ALLIED NATIONS proclaims THIS DECLARATION: THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF EQUITABLE HUMAN RIGHTS, a Living Document, as the common, equal and ethical standard of achievement for all the peoples of Earth and all nations of Earth, and to the end that every individual human being and every organ of any aspect of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and the education, to promote sanctity and respect for human rights and freedoms and by progressive measures between, groups, sections, percentage, cultural, ethnic, national and/or international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and mandated observance, both among all the nation members of the Congress of Allied Nations, themselves and among all the indigenous peoples of Earth, its territories, regions, divisions and nations, all under their jurisdiction

[i] Original Preamble taken from, and augmented; the “UN Declaration of Human Rights: Preamble,” edited to give it teeth that bite deeply.
... by R. Anthony H. Rock.

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

"Where Am I"

L eaders grasp monarchical power.
Pandemic races across land,
Divisions made, lines are drawn.
War is close at Hand."

Greed's corrupt 'n' darkened souls,
Align 'gainst an innocent stand.
Mass v Class, lines are drawn;
War is close at Hand.

Wealth, Power, Political Scrooge,
Agendas are Life-aged, planned.
The Battle Three, recall for thee;
War is close at Hand.

Isolated, families, all alone,
No defense prepared, nor manned.
Despots seethe, mouths of foam;
War is close at Hand.

Pandemic rides without restraint,
Brother Death stretch forth a hand.
Famine creeps behind those lines drawn
Means War is close at Hand

Decades came and flowed well past
Your ilk destroyed air sea and land.
Divided that, not yours to own;
Thus, War is close at Hand.

New Lines are drawn in Earth sand,
Renew Civil and Cold Wars close at hand.
Conflict and Battles rage, far and wide,
Across ravaged lands, ye Horsemen Ride.

"You were warned centuries ago, these days would come."
© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Forgiveness is Divine

     Since the dawn of mankind, the documentation of atrocities perpetrated by one culture on another shall echo throughout the labyrinth halls of Time. Yearly, there is a call to remember the Holocaust without forgiveness, while the victims of mankind’s most horrendous, brutal and barbaric behaviours are the People of Africa. Indentured servitude, enslavement, kidnapping and imprisonment are cherished subjects noted among the pages in History Textbooks, but there are no details of Apartheid. The forgiving and peaceful People of Colour, victims of barbarism in the name of Civilization.
     In her article, “He fought, then forgave,” Stephanie Nolen scratches the surface of a barbaric period in History that, to this day, remains a psychological scar to the bodies, hearts and minds of South Africans anywhere. Erringly, he is called Madiba, which is clan to which he was born, Rohilahla Mandela was given the name Nelson by a Teacher, because she didn’t want to learn his African name.
     His arrival on Robben Island in 1964; interred there for 18 years, the respect he commanded saw him attract the attention of the Afrikaans Prison officials. Nolen is quotes, “Other prisoners later described how, a few years into his incarceration, guards ordered him to dig and then climb into a grave-shaped trench. He must have wondered whether this was the end. Then, as he lay in the dirt, they unzipped their trousers and urinated on him.”
     Mandela’s spoke often of his ideals. Ideals echoing those spoken by other men of Forgiveness, like Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi, who, like Mandela was a Lawyer. Orators, whose words stir hearts and minds on both sides of a conflict. “Mr. Mandela seemed possessed of an uncanny understanding of what it would take to maintain peace. In the first days of his presidency, he took pains to stress that the power of the massive majority he suddenly controlled would be used rarely, if at all. He promised that non-black South Africans would retain their jobs in government, that apartheid-era agents would be pardoned, and F.W. de Klerk, the last apartheid leader, would have an active role in the cabinet” (Nolen, 2013).
     In closing, Nolen misuses Madiba often, here she states, “Madiba went into jail an angry, militant young man, quite rightly upset at the travesty of justice that he had experienced with his comrades, and the 27 years were quite crucial in helping him to mellow.” It was Mandela, who went to jail; Madiba is a clan of Kings, the Thembu People of Central Africa, immigrants to South Africa. “To err is human, to forgive is divine,” Alexander Pope.

February 12th. 2020, by R. Anthony H. Rock.

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock


Change the World

Whereas, the Earthly distinctions of Human Rights alters from one region of the Earth to another, This Declaration provides equal and equitable, and inclusive description of Equal and Equitable Human Rights for all Human Beings free from discrimination by reason or distinction, such as Skin Hue (skin colour), Gender, age, sexual (identification), Language, Culture or Ethnicity, Disability, Origin or Social Status, Property, Birth, Migration or other status by Society, Member Nations and State.

Whereas the United Nations in their current capacity has no teeth in curtailing the behaviours of Evil and Evil Doers, who are and reside in ever region of the Earth. “To expect bad men not to do wrong is madness.” (Marcus Aurelius, Meditation) The madness must be quelled, peacefully, where possible, through enforcement, where necessary. There must be an ending, before any new beginning. A return to the paths that lead to self-destruction benefit no one!

Herein lay the purpose of this august body of allied nations, working in unison to make safe the Earth for its indigenous species and inhabitants; to promote, to educate, to adjudicate and to enforce those principles, equal and equitable human rights and freedoms that are inalienable to each and every human being, free from discrimination by reason or distinction, such as skin hue (skin colour), gender, age, sexual (identification), language, culture or ethnicity, disability, origin or social status, property, birth, or migration.

It is clear that the majority of the People of the Earth suffer and do not benefit from or are deprived of privilege, through flawed regimes of systemic bigoted liberties enjoyed with arrogance  by those, who claim false ideals of supremacy, superiority, dominance and power over all. Under these conditions, where are equality, justice and most importantly equity, where all humankind is created equally; ideals that must be preserved by all Earth’s human inhabitants? There can be no Superiors or Inferiors in the ethical understanding of Equals.

The Corona Virus-19 bears witness and gives evidence, as by spotlight, to the blatant inequalities and inequities, injustices and biases, inadequacies and prejudices that exist across the regions, countries, nations and communities of the Earth, there is need for all human beings to address these failures collectively as equals. Such failures must be corrected, be remedied and modified so that all human beings, born free and indigenous to the Earth shall have equal and equitable dignity, respect, and sanctity in the eyes of any other human being, community, state, nation or country.
No human being is born lesser than or greater than any other human being by reason or distinction of their skin hue (skin colour), gender, age, sexual (identification), language, religion, culture or ethnicity, origin or status, property, birth, migration or other status. Systemic bias, prejudice and/or discrimination by reason or distinction, such as skin hue (skin colour), gender, age, sexual (identification), language, religion, culture or ethnicity, disability, origin or social status, property, birth, migration or other status by society, member nations and state, is no longer tolerated.

How does one end Mankind’s inhumanity to Mankind? How does one end the inhumanity that visits each and every Nation? How does one stop the minority of the Species from destroying the majority of the Species? These questions should be tantamount on the minds of all human beings. However, they are not foremost in the minds of the average individual, where selfish is the norm and selfless is untaught. “The Good of the many outweighs the good of the one or the few,” a tenet, well known, yet not representative of any individual Lifestyle.

Mankind is ONE Species of many Hues, Colours, divided into races (lightest to darkest); a flawed social construct (Race (Human Categorization), 2020) to which the claim of superiority and privilege was claimed by those who lacked a moral, ethical and equitable capacity of compassion, mercy or capacity of love. They robbed, pillaged, marauded, and trampled the Earth; discovered, invaded, and claimed as their own, that which was already peacefully inhabited.

Setting themselves above all other human beings, they extracted wealthy from the Earth, enslaved others, forced them to labour under via the task-masters whip; set the masses against each other, while they lounged in indolently and luxury. “They are not us, they are not human, they are not capable,” were their claims; illustrated arrogance and unfounded propaganda, that created systemic bigotry, hatred within the social construct and a status systems that enabled the inequality and equities that unjustly plagues the people of the Earth.

Class, Caste and Status, creations of a flawed social construct; a biased sliding scale from light to dark (why not dark to light); serves to the divide inequitably and separate those, who revel in excess from the masses that wallow in poverty. Greed is a disease of the mind; it does not earn; it takes more and more, leaving less for those, who have laboured without earning. To curb Mankind’s desires for greed, new standards must be established and installed, establishing a sustainable existence of all human beings inhabiting the Earth. Mankind does not inhabit the Earth alone, neither can they exist without the other Species in falsely claimed dominion. Class, Caste and Status can no longer be tolerated for its detrimental attributes to human existence.

Wealth in all its measures is not and shall not be a determinant of Superiority, neither can the lack of wealth be the measure by which individuals are considered Inferior. The Haves and Have-nots are born equals in the eyes of an ethical world and shall be treated with equal Respect, Justice and Dignity regardless of cultural background, where it shall be observed that all Humans are indigenous to Earth. Superiority shall be determined on the fields of Skills, Talent, Sport and Peaceful Competition. The best shall be determined by merits of education, their prowess, and capabilities.

Neither the lack of skin colour nor an abundance of skin colour can separate one human being from another or from the truth, respect, sanctity, or dignity of existence; fore all humans are equally and equitably sanctified by their birth. Human existence is the obligation of the entire Species of Homo-sapiens as a whole, who collectively are no more than long-term guests upon the Earth.

There exists a multitude of diverse Declarations and Charters of Rights & Freedoms, Constitutions and other documents that detail the divisions of humanity into the flawed construct of race categories that by their very penning have created the divisive rift, segregation, hatred and discrimination creating by measure those of lesser fortune, and those of greater fortune.

Let it be realized by the nations of humankind, a Nation is its people, not its wealthy, its government or its corporate entities, the nation is the masses. Thronged together, impoverished by reason of a flawed social construct that requires adherence to ideals of equality, neither realized nor recognized by those, who claim authority and control of that multitude of innocent lives. Here lay the flaw in the ideology of the social construct of Race; if all are equal, the White Rose holds no authority or control over the species of Roses nor its diverse colours.

There are over 200 countries and nations states across the face of the Earth, with varying degrees, ideas and beliefs of Rights and Freedoms forged by those corrupted by greed; their thirst for Wealth, Power and Control; demanding freedoms solely for themselves, while granting none for the masses, they disclaim as lesser beings. This is the flaw of being Human; the belief that having more makes an individual better, wiser, stronger, or powerful, by reason of their lavish lifestyle and excesses. The truth here, having more just makes an individual greedy!
There exists a multitude of miseries, and histories of suffering caused by and perpetrated on the human species by the human species thirsting for greed; this by necessity must be brought to a halt and ended. That the few engage or perpetrate atrocities on the masses through ignorance, stupidity, hate and an arrogant greed is the issues that need be addressed. “No human has the right to treat any other human being in a manner they themselves would not choose to be treated."

The matter here is Choice and Freewill, which are singular, a gift to humankind; fore they and they alone have the freewill to choose. That there are those, who choose incorrectly and inaccurately is a matter of Education. How does one change for the better, the World of Mankind? Education; one equally and equitably educated child at a time. Do not squander the Present on the flawed ideologies of the Past seeking better Future; fore Greed shall devour itself and all Earthly Species. None can gain Peace, until they Educate in Peace.

No human needs suffer at the hands of or through the neglect of or the oppression by another human being. This is the most important lesson of being a “human being,” forgotten through the generations as told by the flawed installation of victors and vanquished. That there are those that prey on the weak, the defenseless, the destitute and the less fortunate for the purpose of greed, personal gain or misplaced joys is an aberration of the species and should be weeded out. Whether by defect of Mental Capacity or Inane Cruelty learned through parental tutelage passed down age after age; it can and will be suspended, permanently.

Excess is neither a measure of Supremacy, Superiority, Equality nor Equity! Excess is a measure of Greed, and of greed alone! Greed is the first of Mankind’s mortal enemies and must be avoided. Having more than any other does not make one better, neither does it make one great; it merely makes on Greedy! Greed has but one master, it consumes to excess until it consumed itself and all that it feeds on to the extinction of all things. Greed is non-sustainable being all consuming.

Installed in the beliefs of Mankind’s Religions are those of the Christian, Muslim, Judaism and Atheistic Sects; each claim they abide by the tenets of the Bible, Torah or Quran. These have spawned a number of periphery sects, diverse in their ideologies, yet claiming to believe in the singular Ideology of Equality. If All Mankind are thus created equal, how then claim to be superior to any other?

Beg not that someone change their belief, but rather to alter ideology to that which is clearly a mandate of all religions, Equality. To find Equality one must first find that, which has been missing from the lives of all Mankind, Truth. Through truth one can begin to understand the Equity that has been denied the Majority by the Minority. If all Mankind are to prosper, they must do so equally and in equitable fashion, regardless of wealth, position, or belief.

There are Four Ideologies at play in the World of Human Psyche and each has its indelible flaws, perpetrated from one to another in unceasing proficiency, generation after generation. This will not change unless the narratives and the attitudes alter. “No One is an Island,” neither are they alone in Paradise. In this world of over 7 Billion individuals, there can no longer be an ideology of “others,” when all humans hold the welfare of each other in the palm of their hands.

“Evil triumphs, when good people do nothing,” it does worse, when embellished by False Freedoms for some and not for others; claiming that is the Ideology of Existence. Why is Mankind here? Is it to be wealthy? Is it to be powerful? Is it to be fruitful? Claim which one wilt, fore none are capable alone; without the others to assist, none are wealthy; none are powerful, and none are fruitful!

If Mankind is going to set forth Standards, Laws, Rules and Regulations, they must be set in the manner that creates for Mankind a World both Ethical and Equitable for all its inhabitants. There are no others among humans; fore they all live, eat, sleep, and breathe of the same ingredients necessary for any to sustain Life.

Observe each individual Species that dwell below the surface of the Sea; they do not behave as Humans do. Observe each individual Species that soar among the clouds and the heavens; they do not behave as Humans do. None of these creatures craves excess, wealth or power, yet each knows their equal place in the Cycle of Life. Among Humans, the Cycle breaks, is shattered and rendered destructive to all living creatures, even unto the Environments; fore here all Earth’s creatures inhabit.

This Declaration is penned to create standards and principles that have teeth to bite those, who claim their existence to be more than just ordinary human beings; a means, by which all human beings can enjoy and are ensured sustained existence observing that all human beings are threatened should any minor group, percentage, culture or ethnicity, gender, claims domination over the whole, by reason or distinction, such as skin hue (skin colour), gender, age, sexual (identification), language, religion, culture or ethnicity, disability, origin or social status, property, birth, migration or other status, while abdicating responsibility for their actions or omissions regarding that group, percentage, section, culture or ethnicity, or skin hues of the collective body of humanity.

Mankind is not an ethical creature, yet they strive for lasting Peace, and must be made to be so, by Rules and Principles that govern them collectives and wholly as One Species. Through equal and equitable education of such rules and principles that govern the collective behaviour of all human beings regardless of distinction by reason, such as skin hue (skin colour), gender, age, sexual (identification), language, religion, culture or ethnicity, disability, origin or social status, property, birth, migration or other status. Ignorance is no excuse to infringement of the rule of law, or the Declaration of Equitable Humanship, Ethics and Equity.

Humankind are the People; the People are the Nations; the Nations are the whole of Humankind.” Humans are members of the World Ethical Congress of Allied Nations and W.E.C.A.N. bring Peace in our Time. In a world that disdains the lives of the innocent masses as insignificant, disposable, or lesser, it is time to say with one human voice: “All Human Lives Matter!”

This Declaration herein is a “Living Document” based on the purpose and principles that created the United Nations, but shall amend and make equitable, the rules of law in every region, country, state, and community, where human beings inhabit on the Earth, and shall govern human behaviour, and shall be instrumental in the establishing, ideals and the realization of Truth, Security, Peace, Justice, and the Purpose and Principles that are Humanship, Ethics and Equity.

The simple and obvious conclusion is the creation of an Ethical Earthly Organization to oversee the well-fare, procedures, principles, peace and security of all human being, no matter where they reside on Earth. Over 2000 years have passed to the detriment of the whole, where mankind is the whole of every country, nation, and state free from discrimination by reason, such as skin hue (skin colour), gender, age, sexual (identification), language, religion, culture or ethnicity, disability, origin or social status, property, birth, migration.

“No two leaves were alike, and yet there is no antagonism between them or between the branches on which they grow.” (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, n.d.)

Author: Blog Owner

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Wednesday 15 April 2020

A Lonely Heaven (15-12-2006)

Each day I venture into the world, with one thing on my mind; Make the world better for those to come. So many have so little; too few have too much. I care not how you came by your riches; I care not for the "Family Fortune." I care about those who need what you take for granted.

Each day millions of children, starve and die around the world; while the rich throw food in the garbage. There are people without clothes, wearing rags, while the closets of the rich expand and bulge with clothing they can't even remember buying. The poor without shelter, risk exposure and death, while the rich own multiple home, apartments and buildings with no-one in them.

If these are the people Mankind aspire to be, then, look you not for a place in Heaven; for there is no room for YOU!

Man says, it's not a sin to be greedy; though Greed is Avarice, and Avarice is the first Deadly Sin. Mankind wonder around their self-important lives, calling on their Gods to protect them, as they compile their riches; while they do nothing to enrich the lives of others. your prayers have fallen on Devilish ears; where else comes the wealth, and riches. Your contracts have been numbered and filed.
Your accommodations await YOU.

How much is Too much?

How many have to die before mankind really cares?

How many children should starve before mankind share their plate of food?

How many should go naked, before mankind spares a jacket?

How may cars do you need? how fast should it go? How luxurious the ride to HELL?

Churches around the world; regardless of religion, sect, denomination, ethnic background; regardless of who they pray to; regardless of how they pray, have all failed in their quest.

Many say "Kill the Infidel"; when they are themselves the "Infidel." Christians say, "Follow the Light"; when they are themselves in the "Dark." Every faith has only "ONE" underlying philosophy; Love your fellow man, as if he were your brother. God's Golden Rule: "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto You." Find me One Million in Six and a half Billion souls on this earth, who can say they follow the "Golden Rule" rule without fault: never wavering for self gain. Anyone who truly is his brother’s keeper. Anyone who would share all there is on this world to share.

Poor families, know well how hard it is to survive, as the rich fill their coffers with the wealth from your pockets, and share nothing. Know well the slavish jobs you do; while the rich languish at resorts, in exotic places, patting each other on the back, for the jobs the poor has done, and share nothing.

Is it not time to stop coveting a better life, and start to lead a bettor life. What care you for the wealthy who are jailed for their theft of your money? What care you for the wealthy who cry foul, because they, like us are caught driving drunk, or high on drugs, or molesting the innocent, making statement, that show their nature? Is it "NEWS" when it happens to you? The only time you'll find yourself in the news paper surely, is when you die. We all die.

How much money do we need, when we die? How much clothing do we need, when we die? How many cars do we need, when we die? How much food to fills our stomachs, when we die?

Watch your Television, see and remember; the people on there, don't care about you, only for the money to give them, or the ways to make them richer. Advertisers, world wide, portray the poor average person as an idiot; wasting their lives, chasing riches, to purchase what ever they are selling; Wasting what little money they have, on material things, on expensive things, on needless things; while children around the world care only for tomorrow, flipping the coin of Life and Death.

Banks fill they coffers; their executives may grow fat on your hard earned money; while they refuse to help you get ahead. They'll lend your money to those who are rich, but not to you. Corporations grow fat on the sweat of your brow, but never share the wealth with those who made them rich.

When will we say no more. When will we say STOP? When will we take back our lives? When will we care for the "Future Custodians of Paradise," each, every and all children; everywhere.

What legacy do we leave? what lessons are we teaching? what kind of world are we leaving behind? All the money in the world could never buy another planet for our children to live on; if we destroy the one, we have today.

If you can't understand that! You need not look for a place in "Heaven", or whatever "Here After" you believe in. Whatever your religion believes happens to your when you pass on; for yours has been a "FAILED QUEST."

Written by R. Anthony H. Rock, December 15th, 2006.
© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Tuesday 14 April 2020

A Single Empty Stocking (26-12-2007)

Don't get me wrong, but I just don't see what the rest of you see in Christmas, unless it was what Jesus was born for at Christmas; aren't they supposed to be the same thing? If you don't believe in Jesus, why celebrate Christmas. Faith for faith sake!

It is 10:00 pm on the Eve of His Birthday, a Brother is given to Mankind, to save you all from sin, the Stocking that is always empty. Each Christmas, as shoppers hustle and bustle around in search of the latest and best gift to give each of their loved ones; one stocking still remains empty; why? Is it because it is too expensive, too rare a gift to find? No, it carries no cost, but it has great value. The gift, to Mankind, with value beyond all measure, which none has never given.

Centuries ago, a single child was born to Man, as man, carrying the words of Peace and Love for all Mankind. What has Mankind learned from his sacrifice? Look around you as you race to the tree tomorrow and observe the seven deadly sins at work; fore they have emptied that single stocking. A stocking once filled with Peace and Love, and kind wishes and heart of care and tender joy for one’s fellow man. Where now do those feeling and emotions exist in the world today? Nowhere.

Centuries ago; three Wise men made pilgrimage to make gifts of Gold Frankincense and Mir to a special child; one who would grow up to spread a single common message; one that has lost all meaning to all Mankind. Where are those Wise men, today; fore their gifts are coveted by those who have more than they could ever rid themselves of in ten lifetimes or more. Why is the Avarice so rampant among the members of the Human Race, followed closely by the other six sins? What has Mankind gained from their vision of Christmas?

Each and every year the gifts are more expensive; the reception is more ambivalent and sometime disrespectful. What are these gifts worth, when they are not appreciated? A poor family gave birth to a special child; that is the origin of Christmas. A special child brought to the world through the poverty of the world, yet today; the message is lost in the rhetoric of advertising and the desensitization and disrepute of Santa Claus. He who would fill the stockings of the poor, the homeless and the starving with gifts that brought joy and peace to the poorer classes.
Today, few if any remember this message in the origin of Christmas. Who is Christmas for? Christmas is meant for the haves to share what they have accumulated with the Have-nots; however, that is not done these days. 

Imagine Christmas as Christmas should be for all those children in the world that have little or nothing; what fills their stockings? Nothing fills their stockings, not even food.

Yes, you ventured out a spent a small fortune, splurged on your loved ones; bought them the newest version of something they already had. Wish each other Merry Christmas; forgetting there are countless millions of children in your own neighbourhoods who do without this day and the next. What gift has Mankind brought them; an end to the warts that ravage their world; and end to the hunger that grumbles in their stomachs each night. What message is sent to those who hunger and thirst, those who are indigent and homeless worst of all what of all those helpless children around the world?

What have your gifts brought them? Nothing! I have said my Christmas is never merry; fore my heart is with those unfortunate and innocent children; down each street and in poverty around the world. Your gifts to charity, that never reaches the end, your donations that never reach destination. What cheer can one find on such a holiday. Listening to the radio; one ears songs sung by wealthy performers, about Peace on Earth, Good will towards “All,” but never does it last beyond a few hours, or ever reaches those who need it the most.

Ah, the empty stocking; once filled with kindness to one’s fellow man; unconditional Kindness; compassion for everyone, not just the few who can afford it, but for those who have not one red cent. The music of this season is hypocritical, the Media and their backers follow suit and worst of all the wealthy, those who can foster the greatest change do little or nothing, while claiming they have done so much. In observation, one can see the truth behind today Christmas; fore it is not the celebration of the birth of a benevolent soul. It is now a celebration of the greediest one.

I guess I truly stand alone in the wish for PEACE and Love spread throughout all the lands of the Earth; fore all Mankind deserves to live in Peace with Love and Happiness. If not at Christmas, when?

Yes, if a single child goes hungry, or homeless anywhere in the world, Christmas has failed, and has been failing for far too long. Only as one can it be eradicated; only together can Mankind feed all who starve, house all who seek shelter and bring peace and Love to all who hunger for it. It is the dream everyone dreams of.

On December 26th, 2007, all I have recorded will escape the understanding and comprehension of all Mankind; even those few who wouldst acclaim they comply; have already missed the point. The Stocking is empty and will remain empty, till Mankind refills it with kindness and goodwill, peace and love; the concept and precepts of sharing and forgiveness and compassion; mercy and caring, everything that little child brought into the world and dies to for. That would be a Christmas to remember. A Christmas where all who could buy something more than a gift for someone beyond their family, someone in need, a stranger, a visitor, the homeless. A Christmas Christ would hope for.
Just ask yourself what would Christ give on Christmas Day?

A single tear rolls down my cheek for that single empty stocking!

The gifts of Christmas should enhance the Minds, warm the Hearts and enrich the Souls of and for all Mankind. What gift do you bring on his birthday to fulfill the promise? For every child that goes without food, shelter clothing, education and all those things Mankind can provide; that stocking will remain empty.

Written by R. Anthony H. Rock on Dec. 24th, 2007.

Earthbound Angels (Originally posted: Monday, 15 January 2007)

I thank NaMeRes for their help, when I was in need ... now I help those who are in need. Can you say the same, I was an Earthbound Angel.
When someone gets up in the morning with a smile on their face; is it because they did something good for all Mankind or was it because they did something that benefitted them, solely to gain more power or riches, (Avarice).
The progression of the Human Soul, from their birth is to EVIL, why?
From generation to generation, Mankind has been taught by their predecessor to be EVIL to their fellow man, in a world gone MAD. Even though Evil is often the NORM among Humans, there are those occasions in which Mankind's truest self emerges, comes to light. A Man fall sick on the Subway tracks, another man leaps to cover the sick man with his own body as the train approaches, without a care for his own life, only for the sick man; they both survive, the man is call a HERO.
I present this NOTE today to hear from you, the world, what have you done to serve your fellow man? It need not be to save of a life, it could be as simple as serving food at a Homeless Shelter, or making sandwiches for the poor and destitute, and the Homeless.
Anything “You” may have done for the unfortunate among us, who need our help, each and everyday. We are brothers and sisters of ONE BLOOD, we need to start acting has though we were, for one day, we may need such blood, or none will venture forth to save any lives. Help, for the lack of help wealth has provided.
So, in Comments to this blog, I ask that you tell us all, what you have done to serve Mankind, regardless of the Deed. Allow none to give perception, to such acts, for none will judge the worth; any Act of Kindness is far greater than an Act of Violence, though violence is more available to the common man in these times.
The World needs to know only four main things:
  1. What you have done?
  2. Who was affected?
  3. How is the person, now?
  4. Why did you help?

All Good Deeds expand by three, and each time you complete another Deed, the number increases.

Financial Donations can be sent to:

14 Vaughan Rd.
Toronto, ON
M6G 2N1

Phone: (416) 652-0334 or (416) 652-3138
Registered Charity: #119050516RR0001

If you need a Deed; donations can be made to NaMeRes. We have all been lost and can be found, only if we allow ourselves to be found; by showing the LIGHT in our Souls and aid those around us, who; in time of need, accept our help and gratitude, and sing praises to their friend of our kind Deeds.

Mankind can survive any hardship, with the help of Mankind.
We are all in this together; let's make it better for the children to inherit.

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock