Wednesday 15 April 2020

A Lonely Heaven (15-12-2006)

Each day I venture into the world, with one thing on my mind; Make the world better for those to come. So many have so little; too few have too much. I care not how you came by your riches; I care not for the "Family Fortune." I care about those who need what you take for granted.

Each day millions of children, starve and die around the world; while the rich throw food in the garbage. There are people without clothes, wearing rags, while the closets of the rich expand and bulge with clothing they can't even remember buying. The poor without shelter, risk exposure and death, while the rich own multiple home, apartments and buildings with no-one in them.

If these are the people Mankind aspire to be, then, look you not for a place in Heaven; for there is no room for YOU!

Man says, it's not a sin to be greedy; though Greed is Avarice, and Avarice is the first Deadly Sin. Mankind wonder around their self-important lives, calling on their Gods to protect them, as they compile their riches; while they do nothing to enrich the lives of others. your prayers have fallen on Devilish ears; where else comes the wealth, and riches. Your contracts have been numbered and filed.
Your accommodations await YOU.

How much is Too much?

How many have to die before mankind really cares?

How many children should starve before mankind share their plate of food?

How many should go naked, before mankind spares a jacket?

How may cars do you need? how fast should it go? How luxurious the ride to HELL?

Churches around the world; regardless of religion, sect, denomination, ethnic background; regardless of who they pray to; regardless of how they pray, have all failed in their quest.

Many say "Kill the Infidel"; when they are themselves the "Infidel." Christians say, "Follow the Light"; when they are themselves in the "Dark." Every faith has only "ONE" underlying philosophy; Love your fellow man, as if he were your brother. God's Golden Rule: "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto You." Find me One Million in Six and a half Billion souls on this earth, who can say they follow the "Golden Rule" rule without fault: never wavering for self gain. Anyone who truly is his brother’s keeper. Anyone who would share all there is on this world to share.

Poor families, know well how hard it is to survive, as the rich fill their coffers with the wealth from your pockets, and share nothing. Know well the slavish jobs you do; while the rich languish at resorts, in exotic places, patting each other on the back, for the jobs the poor has done, and share nothing.

Is it not time to stop coveting a better life, and start to lead a bettor life. What care you for the wealthy who are jailed for their theft of your money? What care you for the wealthy who cry foul, because they, like us are caught driving drunk, or high on drugs, or molesting the innocent, making statement, that show their nature? Is it "NEWS" when it happens to you? The only time you'll find yourself in the news paper surely, is when you die. We all die.

How much money do we need, when we die? How much clothing do we need, when we die? How many cars do we need, when we die? How much food to fills our stomachs, when we die?

Watch your Television, see and remember; the people on there, don't care about you, only for the money to give them, or the ways to make them richer. Advertisers, world wide, portray the poor average person as an idiot; wasting their lives, chasing riches, to purchase what ever they are selling; Wasting what little money they have, on material things, on expensive things, on needless things; while children around the world care only for tomorrow, flipping the coin of Life and Death.

Banks fill they coffers; their executives may grow fat on your hard earned money; while they refuse to help you get ahead. They'll lend your money to those who are rich, but not to you. Corporations grow fat on the sweat of your brow, but never share the wealth with those who made them rich.

When will we say no more. When will we say STOP? When will we take back our lives? When will we care for the "Future Custodians of Paradise," each, every and all children; everywhere.

What legacy do we leave? what lessons are we teaching? what kind of world are we leaving behind? All the money in the world could never buy another planet for our children to live on; if we destroy the one, we have today.

If you can't understand that! You need not look for a place in "Heaven", or whatever "Here After" you believe in. Whatever your religion believes happens to your when you pass on; for yours has been a "FAILED QUEST."

Written by R. Anthony H. Rock, December 15th, 2006.
© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Tuesday 14 April 2020

A Single Empty Stocking (26-12-2007)

Don't get me wrong, but I just don't see what the rest of you see in Christmas, unless it was what Jesus was born for at Christmas; aren't they supposed to be the same thing? If you don't believe in Jesus, why celebrate Christmas. Faith for faith sake!

It is 10:00 pm on the Eve of His Birthday, a Brother is given to Mankind, to save you all from sin, the Stocking that is always empty. Each Christmas, as shoppers hustle and bustle around in search of the latest and best gift to give each of their loved ones; one stocking still remains empty; why? Is it because it is too expensive, too rare a gift to find? No, it carries no cost, but it has great value. The gift, to Mankind, with value beyond all measure, which none has never given.

Centuries ago, a single child was born to Man, as man, carrying the words of Peace and Love for all Mankind. What has Mankind learned from his sacrifice? Look around you as you race to the tree tomorrow and observe the seven deadly sins at work; fore they have emptied that single stocking. A stocking once filled with Peace and Love, and kind wishes and heart of care and tender joy for one’s fellow man. Where now do those feeling and emotions exist in the world today? Nowhere.

Centuries ago; three Wise men made pilgrimage to make gifts of Gold Frankincense and Mir to a special child; one who would grow up to spread a single common message; one that has lost all meaning to all Mankind. Where are those Wise men, today; fore their gifts are coveted by those who have more than they could ever rid themselves of in ten lifetimes or more. Why is the Avarice so rampant among the members of the Human Race, followed closely by the other six sins? What has Mankind gained from their vision of Christmas?

Each and every year the gifts are more expensive; the reception is more ambivalent and sometime disrespectful. What are these gifts worth, when they are not appreciated? A poor family gave birth to a special child; that is the origin of Christmas. A special child brought to the world through the poverty of the world, yet today; the message is lost in the rhetoric of advertising and the desensitization and disrepute of Santa Claus. He who would fill the stockings of the poor, the homeless and the starving with gifts that brought joy and peace to the poorer classes.
Today, few if any remember this message in the origin of Christmas. Who is Christmas for? Christmas is meant for the haves to share what they have accumulated with the Have-nots; however, that is not done these days. 

Imagine Christmas as Christmas should be for all those children in the world that have little or nothing; what fills their stockings? Nothing fills their stockings, not even food.

Yes, you ventured out a spent a small fortune, splurged on your loved ones; bought them the newest version of something they already had. Wish each other Merry Christmas; forgetting there are countless millions of children in your own neighbourhoods who do without this day and the next. What gift has Mankind brought them; an end to the warts that ravage their world; and end to the hunger that grumbles in their stomachs each night. What message is sent to those who hunger and thirst, those who are indigent and homeless worst of all what of all those helpless children around the world?

What have your gifts brought them? Nothing! I have said my Christmas is never merry; fore my heart is with those unfortunate and innocent children; down each street and in poverty around the world. Your gifts to charity, that never reaches the end, your donations that never reach destination. What cheer can one find on such a holiday. Listening to the radio; one ears songs sung by wealthy performers, about Peace on Earth, Good will towards “All,” but never does it last beyond a few hours, or ever reaches those who need it the most.

Ah, the empty stocking; once filled with kindness to one’s fellow man; unconditional Kindness; compassion for everyone, not just the few who can afford it, but for those who have not one red cent. The music of this season is hypocritical, the Media and their backers follow suit and worst of all the wealthy, those who can foster the greatest change do little or nothing, while claiming they have done so much. In observation, one can see the truth behind today Christmas; fore it is not the celebration of the birth of a benevolent soul. It is now a celebration of the greediest one.

I guess I truly stand alone in the wish for PEACE and Love spread throughout all the lands of the Earth; fore all Mankind deserves to live in Peace with Love and Happiness. If not at Christmas, when?

Yes, if a single child goes hungry, or homeless anywhere in the world, Christmas has failed, and has been failing for far too long. Only as one can it be eradicated; only together can Mankind feed all who starve, house all who seek shelter and bring peace and Love to all who hunger for it. It is the dream everyone dreams of.

On December 26th, 2007, all I have recorded will escape the understanding and comprehension of all Mankind; even those few who wouldst acclaim they comply; have already missed the point. The Stocking is empty and will remain empty, till Mankind refills it with kindness and goodwill, peace and love; the concept and precepts of sharing and forgiveness and compassion; mercy and caring, everything that little child brought into the world and dies to for. That would be a Christmas to remember. A Christmas where all who could buy something more than a gift for someone beyond their family, someone in need, a stranger, a visitor, the homeless. A Christmas Christ would hope for.
Just ask yourself what would Christ give on Christmas Day?

A single tear rolls down my cheek for that single empty stocking!

The gifts of Christmas should enhance the Minds, warm the Hearts and enrich the Souls of and for all Mankind. What gift do you bring on his birthday to fulfill the promise? For every child that goes without food, shelter clothing, education and all those things Mankind can provide; that stocking will remain empty.

Written by R. Anthony H. Rock on Dec. 24th, 2007.

Earthbound Angels (Originally posted: Monday, 15 January 2007)

I thank NaMeRes for their help, when I was in need ... now I help those who are in need. Can you say the same, I was an Earthbound Angel.
When someone gets up in the morning with a smile on their face; is it because they did something good for all Mankind or was it because they did something that benefitted them, solely to gain more power or riches, (Avarice).
The progression of the Human Soul, from their birth is to EVIL, why?
From generation to generation, Mankind has been taught by their predecessor to be EVIL to their fellow man, in a world gone MAD. Even though Evil is often the NORM among Humans, there are those occasions in which Mankind's truest self emerges, comes to light. A Man fall sick on the Subway tracks, another man leaps to cover the sick man with his own body as the train approaches, without a care for his own life, only for the sick man; they both survive, the man is call a HERO.
I present this NOTE today to hear from you, the world, what have you done to serve your fellow man? It need not be to save of a life, it could be as simple as serving food at a Homeless Shelter, or making sandwiches for the poor and destitute, and the Homeless.
Anything “You” may have done for the unfortunate among us, who need our help, each and everyday. We are brothers and sisters of ONE BLOOD, we need to start acting has though we were, for one day, we may need such blood, or none will venture forth to save any lives. Help, for the lack of help wealth has provided.
So, in Comments to this blog, I ask that you tell us all, what you have done to serve Mankind, regardless of the Deed. Allow none to give perception, to such acts, for none will judge the worth; any Act of Kindness is far greater than an Act of Violence, though violence is more available to the common man in these times.
The World needs to know only four main things:
  1. What you have done?
  2. Who was affected?
  3. How is the person, now?
  4. Why did you help?

All Good Deeds expand by three, and each time you complete another Deed, the number increases.

Financial Donations can be sent to:

14 Vaughan Rd.
Toronto, ON
M6G 2N1

Phone: (416) 652-0334 or (416) 652-3138
Registered Charity: #119050516RR0001

If you need a Deed; donations can be made to NaMeRes. We have all been lost and can be found, only if we allow ourselves to be found; by showing the LIGHT in our Souls and aid those around us, who; in time of need, accept our help and gratitude, and sing praises to their friend of our kind Deeds.

Mankind can survive any hardship, with the help of Mankind.
We are all in this together; let's make it better for the children to inherit.

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock