Sunday 2 October 2016


What You See is Not, What you See.

The View from both of the Floor
I'm not too sure, but while the People of the World find themselves in the quagmire that is United States Politics; witness the similar, yet polar opposing views of the two individuals seeking the Office of President; they could obtain the #Power to #Enact change to better the lives of the People of the USA. I ask one question;
"What truly has changed?"
1) The USA still has one of the highest rates of Unemployment.
2) The USA still has an increasing percentage of Homelessness.
3) The Salaries & Wages earned have not kept pace with those of Executives, CEO and Big Business owners, who owe those profits to the hard work of the employees they refuse to pay.
4) Greed and Corruption are out of control; reaching to the top echelons of both Government and Incorporated Business.
5) The Protection of Citizens and the Enforcement of Law has been sent back to the Lawless Era, when the Fastest Gun set the Rules.
6) Civil & Human Rights detailed in the Hallowed Documents of the founding of their Nation can be observed to have been rescinded; taken back by an established & stagnant Organization; the Government has proven to be equally: Bigoted, Ignorant, Biased and in most cases outright Prejudice, offering Presidential Power as they choose or denying them when they are obligatory.
7) The Wealthiest secret their ill-gotten Fortunes, Evade Taxation, while claiming they don't have enough.
8) A Strong USA is based on a Healthy USA, but Healthcare is available only to those with Wealth to afford it, while the poorest go without; working in Companies making Billions.
9) The Media dictates the Values, Ideals and the Ideologies of the masses; spin, sensationalize and twist the Truth at every turn to ensure they maintain an Ethnic, Religious and the Racial tensions that divide the Nation, when #Unity is the Ideology of the "United" States.
10) Polarized as they are in this climate of Political Division; the Republicans and the Democrats both fail in the Obligations, Service and the Governing of a once great Nation.
A New Rome prepares to fall, as the divides between Wealth & Poverty; Justice & Injustice, Law & Order, Public & Private become opposing side of a single Coin; like the Number 6 or is it 9; observed from diverse points of view, when the truth is obvious...0 has changed in over 200 years of growth.
Is that what the Country calls Change?
The Poor clutch at Straws, while bales rot in Wealthy Fields.
Many things can be #True, but there can only be One #Truth...and understanding the difference is a Sign of Growth.
From observation: The Nation has not outgrown it's Childish Infancy.
So as the Nation elects their side of a single ideal; the Truth goes unnoticed by everyone mired in this Political Race; when it should be about the increased and renewed Division of a People the deserve to be #UNITED!


© copyright R Anthony H. Rock