Thursday 25 February 2016

Economy #101

“The Analogy of Wealth as Water”

    It doesn’t take a genius or a financial expert to understand the following analogy; it is an extremely simple observation to make. It should have occurred to our financial pundits long ago, but farbeit for me to point out that Greed clouds the mind filled with Corruption.
     There is enough wealth on this planet to end Poverty Worldwide, even as it maintain the itself and supports those that don’t give a damn about those shoulders they stand on to reach for the Stars.
     Observe the #Wealth of the World as #Water, which evaporates with the heat of the Sun, like profits of any Company, which rises ever upwards into the Clouds. Clouds like Conglomerates that generate massive profits.
    Bloated and gorged on those profits, such companies hoard and store such wealth (water) through greed; paying themselves enormous Salaries, Bonuses and making use of Tax Breaks, which ensure that their profits never fall back to those that worked hardest to earn their pittance.
     Like Water, such profits sucked into these Clouds (Companies) refuse to improve the growth of their employees and customers, ignorant of the need for such wealth to fall back to Earth to maintain growth for all.
     Imagine if it never rained, what the Globe would be like, but Nature understands the need for rain, which is a necessity for growth. Where wages and Paycheques have remained stagnant, while executive salaries balloon out of sight, like the clouds over head, but they never rain such wealth back down, but seek to increase their hold and holdings on their water.
     When the Drought hits, the wealthiest look down and ask where is the Water? There can be only one answer to their Economic Crisis. It must Rain or the Economy becomes a desert, where no Clouds can hoard water that no longer exists. They have drained the Oceans, Seas, Lakes and Rivers of Water and find themselves cannibalizing themselves and each other, where the poorest clouds have already been consumed.
    Let it Rain, raise the Wages, the Salaries and share the wealth, like water from Heaven. Let the Wealth of the World be shared again with the World, that all people may take part in the growth of the World’s Economy.
     This is so simple an Analogy, that it amazes me that the World’s Financial Experts have ignored its simplicity for generations, when centuries of drought have already seen Economic Crises in many corners of the World. How smart does one have to be to understand, when the World runs out of Water, it is a Dead Planet! How much Profit can any Company earn, when their customers have no Money to buy their products or services?

     P.S.: Economic Stimulus; When you give Billions to Wealthy People, they Hoard it and pay themselves. When you give it to the Poor and less fortunate, they go out and spend it and stimulate the World Economy.
     So giving Billionaires a Handout doesn’t stimulate anything, but the Greed, while giving it to the Poor improves the Economies of the World…Economy 101.
     What can Canada do with the $85 Trillion in Tax Dollars, which has not been collected, evaded by Corporations and Conglomerates that do business with this country?


Photo: Black and White Rain in New York by David Sark
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