Sunday 2 October 2016


What You See is Not, What you See.

The View from both of the Floor
I'm not too sure, but while the People of the World find themselves in the quagmire that is United States Politics; witness the similar, yet polar opposing views of the two individuals seeking the Office of President; they could obtain the #Power to #Enact change to better the lives of the People of the USA. I ask one question;
"What truly has changed?"
1) The USA still has one of the highest rates of Unemployment.
2) The USA still has an increasing percentage of Homelessness.
3) The Salaries & Wages earned have not kept pace with those of Executives, CEO and Big Business owners, who owe those profits to the hard work of the employees they refuse to pay.
4) Greed and Corruption are out of control; reaching to the top echelons of both Government and Incorporated Business.
5) The Protection of Citizens and the Enforcement of Law has been sent back to the Lawless Era, when the Fastest Gun set the Rules.
6) Civil & Human Rights detailed in the Hallowed Documents of the founding of their Nation can be observed to have been rescinded; taken back by an established & stagnant Organization; the Government has proven to be equally: Bigoted, Ignorant, Biased and in most cases outright Prejudice, offering Presidential Power as they choose or denying them when they are obligatory.
7) The Wealthiest secret their ill-gotten Fortunes, Evade Taxation, while claiming they don't have enough.
8) A Strong USA is based on a Healthy USA, but Healthcare is available only to those with Wealth to afford it, while the poorest go without; working in Companies making Billions.
9) The Media dictates the Values, Ideals and the Ideologies of the masses; spin, sensationalize and twist the Truth at every turn to ensure they maintain an Ethnic, Religious and the Racial tensions that divide the Nation, when #Unity is the Ideology of the "United" States.
10) Polarized as they are in this climate of Political Division; the Republicans and the Democrats both fail in the Obligations, Service and the Governing of a once great Nation.
A New Rome prepares to fall, as the divides between Wealth & Poverty; Justice & Injustice, Law & Order, Public & Private become opposing side of a single Coin; like the Number 6 or is it 9; observed from diverse points of view, when the truth is obvious...0 has changed in over 200 years of growth.
Is that what the Country calls Change?
The Poor clutch at Straws, while bales rot in Wealthy Fields.
Many things can be #True, but there can only be One #Truth...and understanding the difference is a Sign of Growth.
From observation: The Nation has not outgrown it's Childish Infancy.
So as the Nation elects their side of a single ideal; the Truth goes unnoticed by everyone mired in this Political Race; when it should be about the increased and renewed Division of a People the deserve to be #UNITED!


© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Thursday 24 March 2016


No Equality, No Balance; Without Standards!

Look upon this Globe, this Earth; from this distance it seems so Peaceful a place to be, but there is a Hypocritical Species that share it with the other animals that call it home.
    Confused? Don't be! Mankind is that hypocrite that speaks with forked tongue; lies through its teeth and bears false witness to idea, ideal and ideology, while languishing on Paradise they rape, scuttle, ravage and war over with each waking day. They, the only species that cries out for Peace and seeks it through War. They they only species that cries out for Justice, as they seek that though Crime and Corruption. They only species that cries out for Civil and Human Rights, but seeks these through Oppression, Repression and Obsession.
    Breaking each and every Rule, Commandment and law they and their Gods have imposed on them as the means to ensure Balance, Equality, Harmony and Peace; they seek opposition to all things Humane, Humanitarian and Charitable. Oh yes, there are small numbers that strive to satisfy these Ideals, but for the majority of Humans inhabiting the Earth, the number is far too small to exact any form of change to the Status-Quo!
     Look to the Governing Bodies in every Nation and see with open eyes the Corruption, Greed and Tyranny that has been installed in the lives of the less fortunate by those who won, earn or were elected to their positions on the back of those very less fortunate they promised to aid.
     The Equality spoken of, preached, demanded can never be attained as long as there are members of the species who believe themselves better, greater, more deserving or more important than any other member of the species. Equality can never be reached as long as there is a Class Structure, Castes, Have-nots and the demonstrated Biases, Prejudice, Hatred and Bigotry that set one Culture, Ethnic Group, Colour, Religion or Language against another.
     How does the "United Nations" serve Mankind, when its Leadership are members of the very Countries that promote some of the greatest Crimes and Violations of Humans, Human Rights, Civil Rights and Liberties, while pointing a culpable and accusing finger at other Nations doing the same and exclaiming shame on them. Civil and Human Rights are violated in every corner of this round Globe and who will challenge the Status-Quo, when Fear has them rooted like so many plants to their lot in Life?
    Without a Single Standard for Civil and Human Rights honoured by all the members of the Human Species; Equality cannot and will not exist. It is difficult to follow those who fail to 'Lead by Example.' It is difficult to attain Peace, Balance or Harmony without setting Standards by which all Mankind can be treated as Equals, not just the mere Lip Service given to such ideas, Ideals and an Ideology that is the Foundation of many Ethnic, Cultural and Civilized Societies.
     Earth must have a Unified Standard across all Nations, that cannot be violated without the harshest of deterrents and countermeasures to maintain that Standard. No Organization; No Group; No Civilized; No Third World; No Individual is above the Standards of Human Rights, because no Human is born less than Human.
     If this is not your belief, than you are part of the Problem and not the Solution or the Resolution and thus there can be only one Absolution for the Human Species and that would be Extinction.
Look around at the World beyond your backyard; the EXTINCTION has begun!

How many Charters, Proclamations, Codes and Constitutions have been written to ensure Equality? How many of them have been Honoured? How many lives have been lost to Mankind's Ignorance, Bigotry, Hatred, Prejudices and their Unjust treatment of their Fellow Humans; and for what: Wealth, Infamy, Power and Affluence? All these are fleeting Mirages of a bygone Era, proved to be the Destruction of Civilizations Past and Present. Has Mankind refused to "Learn for their Mistakes' or do they choose to extinguish themselves? Mankind makes of themselves the E.L.E they fear from beyond the borders of Earth.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Economy #101

“The Analogy of Wealth as Water”

    It doesn’t take a genius or a financial expert to understand the following analogy; it is an extremely simple observation to make. It should have occurred to our financial pundits long ago, but farbeit for me to point out that Greed clouds the mind filled with Corruption.
     There is enough wealth on this planet to end Poverty Worldwide, even as it maintain the itself and supports those that don’t give a damn about those shoulders they stand on to reach for the Stars.
     Observe the #Wealth of the World as #Water, which evaporates with the heat of the Sun, like profits of any Company, which rises ever upwards into the Clouds. Clouds like Conglomerates that generate massive profits.
    Bloated and gorged on those profits, such companies hoard and store such wealth (water) through greed; paying themselves enormous Salaries, Bonuses and making use of Tax Breaks, which ensure that their profits never fall back to those that worked hardest to earn their pittance.
     Like Water, such profits sucked into these Clouds (Companies) refuse to improve the growth of their employees and customers, ignorant of the need for such wealth to fall back to Earth to maintain growth for all.
     Imagine if it never rained, what the Globe would be like, but Nature understands the need for rain, which is a necessity for growth. Where wages and Paycheques have remained stagnant, while executive salaries balloon out of sight, like the clouds over head, but they never rain such wealth back down, but seek to increase their hold and holdings on their water.
     When the Drought hits, the wealthiest look down and ask where is the Water? There can be only one answer to their Economic Crisis. It must Rain or the Economy becomes a desert, where no Clouds can hoard water that no longer exists. They have drained the Oceans, Seas, Lakes and Rivers of Water and find themselves cannibalizing themselves and each other, where the poorest clouds have already been consumed.
    Let it Rain, raise the Wages, the Salaries and share the wealth, like water from Heaven. Let the Wealth of the World be shared again with the World, that all people may take part in the growth of the World’s Economy.
     This is so simple an Analogy, that it amazes me that the World’s Financial Experts have ignored its simplicity for generations, when centuries of drought have already seen Economic Crises in many corners of the World. How smart does one have to be to understand, when the World runs out of Water, it is a Dead Planet! How much Profit can any Company earn, when their customers have no Money to buy their products or services?

     P.S.: Economic Stimulus; When you give Billions to Wealthy People, they Hoard it and pay themselves. When you give it to the Poor and less fortunate, they go out and spend it and stimulate the World Economy.
     So giving Billionaires a Handout doesn’t stimulate anything, but the Greed, while giving it to the Poor improves the Economies of the World…Economy 101.
     What can Canada do with the $85 Trillion in Tax Dollars, which has not been collected, evaded by Corporations and Conglomerates that do business with this country?


Photo: Black and White Rain in New York by David Sark
This Blog © copyright R Anthony H. Rock