Monday 8 July 2024



Bringing Ethical Leadership Learning to Our World

In the symphony of ethical actions, humanity's harmony finds its true resonance. This profound truth encapsulates the mission of TRi-E Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating ethics and ethical educating. With our new initiative, BELLOW (Bring Ethical Leadership Learning to Our World), we aim to resonate deeply within communities around the globe, fostering a culture where ethical leadership is not just an aspiration, but a way of life.

The Ethos of Ethics:

A Blueprint for Ethical Leadership

At the heart of the BELLOW Initiative are the six Attributes of the Ethos of Ethics, which serve as a blueprint for cultivating Ethical Leadership. These principles guide individuals and organizations toward a more enlightened, knowledgeable, and ethical future.

1. The Books One Does Not Read Cannot Enlighten You

Knowledge is power, and the foundation of ethical leadership is built on continuous learning. The wisdom contained in books across diverse subjects provides insights that challenge our thinking and broaden our perspectives. Without engaging with these resources, we miss the opportunity to enlighten our minds and elevate our ethical standards.

2. The Classes One Does Not Attend Cannot Teach You

Formal education plays a crucial role in shaping ethical leaders. Classes and structured learning environments provide not just information, but also the critical thinking skills necessary to apply ethical principles in real-world scenarios. By participating in these educational experiences, individuals can acquire the knowledge and tools needed to navigate complex moral landscapes.

3. The Mentor or Coach One Does Not Know Cannot Guide You

Mentorship and coaching are invaluable in the journey toward ethical leadership. Experienced mentors provide guidance, support, and perspective that cannot be gained alone. They help to refine our understanding of ethics and hold us accountable to our values. Without these relationships, we are deprived of the wisdom and encouragement that can only come from those who have walked the path before us.

4. The Knowledge One Knows Not Cannot Be Referenced by You

In an age where information is at our fingertips, the ability to access and reference relevant knowledge is essential. Ethical leaders must be well-informed and up-to-date with the latest developments in their fields. This requires a commitment to lifelong learning and the pursuit of new knowledge. Without it, our decisions and actions may lack the depth and context needed for truly ethical leadership.

5. The Muscles One Does Not Exercise Cannot Strengthen You

Just as physical muscles need regular exercise to grow and strengthen, so too do our ethical muscles. Ethical leadership requires practice, reflection, and a willingness to face ethical dilemmas head-on. By consistently exercising our ethical decision-making skills, we build the resilience and integrity necessary to lead with conviction and purpose.

6. The Ethos One Does Not Live By, Cannot Ensure Your Well-being

Ultimately, ethical leadership is not just about what we know or do, but about who we are. The ethos we choose to live by shapes our character and defines our legacy. When we embody ethical principles in our daily lives, we contribute to our well-being and the well-being of those around us. This lived ethos is the cornerstone of authentic and impact-filled leadership.

Bringing Ethical Leadership to Our World

TRi-E Foundation is committed to bringing ethical leadership learning to our world. Through the BELLOW initiative, we offer programs and resources designed to educate individuals and organizations about the importance of ethics in leadership. Our goal is to create a global community where ethical actions are celebrated, and humanity's harmony finds its true resonance.

We invite you to join us in this mission. Let us read the books that enlighten us, attend the classes that teach us, seek out the mentors that guide us, acquire the knowledge that informs us, exercise the muscles that strengthen us, and live by the ethos that ensures our well-being. Together, we can create a symphony of ethical actions that resonates throughout the world, leading to a brighter, more harmonious future for all. of the Director of TRi-E Foundation

Non-profit Organization

Educating Ethics - Ethical Educating

Bringing Ethical Leadership Learning to Our World

Wednesday 4 October 2023

The Ethos Evolving Ethics

Evolving Ethical Ideologies in the Digital Age:

A Critique of Deontology, Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics

The Ethos of Ethical Balance


Ethical theories have long served as the guiding principles of and for human behaviour, shaping how individuals and societies make moral and or ethical decisions. Among the prominent ethical frameworks are DeontologyUtilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics; each of these offering distinct perspectives on what constitutes moral action and or intention.

However, as one navigates the complexities of a Digital Age characterized by rapid technological growth, advancements and unprecedented challenges, these traditional ethical ideologies have come under scrutiny. In this essay, let us examine how the Digital Age's proliferation of unethical personal and business practices renders these traditional ethical themes less viable, necessitating an evolution in ethical ideology to address the needs of a globalized and interconnected world.

Deontology: Rule-based Ethics in the Digital Landscape 

Deontology, championed by philosophers like Immanuel Kant, posits that an individual’s actions are inherently right or wrong based on the adherence to moral rules or duties. While this framework emphasizes principles such as honesty and respect for an individuals' autonomy, its rigid nature struggles to adapt to the fluid and dynamic nature of the Digital Age.

However, the rise of Cybercrime, Privacy Breaches, and Artificial Intelligence challenges the feasibility of applying fixed rules to an ever-evolving technological landscape. The prevalence of Hacking, Online Scams, and Data Breaches exposes the limitations of rule-based Ethics, as these actions often fall outside the scope of predefined Rules.

Utilitarianism: Consequentialism and the Digital Dilemmas 

Utilitarianism, attributed to philosophers like John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham, evaluates actions and intentions based on their outcomes' overall happiness or utility. In the Digital Age, however, the quantification of utility becomes increasingly complex. The advent of Social Media has brought about unprecedented connectivity, but it has also facilitated the spread of misinformation and Cyberbullying, raising concerns about the net impact on well-being.

Moreover, the Ethical Dilemmas posed by emerging technologies like Autonomous Vehicles force the average individual to grapple with decisions, where there are no clear quantifiable outcomes. The Utilitarian Calculus struggles to accommodate the nuances and uncertainties inherent in the digital landscape, demanding a more adaptable ethical approach.

Virtue Ethics: Character in a Digital World 

Virtue Ethics, rooted in the philosophies of Aristotle and Confucius, focuses on cultivating virtuous character traits to guide ethical behaviour. While this approach emphasizes personal growth and moral development, its relevance is challenged in the Digital Age.

Online interactions often prioritize anonymity, leading to a detachment from Personal Accountability and and subsequent deficiencies and lapses in Ethical Conduct. The proliferation of digital personas and the ease of creating false identities erode the foundations of Virtue Ethics, where Character in its integrity is integral to moral action.

Additionally, the speed and scale of digital communication often prioritize immediate reactions over thoughtful contemplation, hindering the cultivation of virtuous traits. Behind the Mask there are Predators and none are held to account for their unethical practices, while anonymity is their disguise.

The Need for Ethical Evolution 

As the Digital Age presents new Ethical Challenges, it is evident that the traditional Ethical Ideologies of DeontologyUtilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics are ill-equipped to address the complexities of the Modern World. Unethical Personal and Business practices, facilitated by the anonymity and global reach of the Digital Realm, expose the limitations of these established frameworks. The interconnectedness of the Global Community and the rapid pace of technological change requires and demands an evolution in Ethical Ideology.

 Any emergence of a new Ethical Paradigm should consider several factors: 

  1. Global Interconnectedness: The digital landscape erases geographical boundaries, necessitating an ethical framework that transcends Cultural; transcends Ethnicity and all Societal differences that are claimed by the Social Construct that plagues Humankind as a Species.

  2. Technological Complexity: Emerging technologies introduce novel Ethical Dilemmas that cannot be easily addressed by rigid rules or quantitative calculations. What may be accessible to a few, held at arms length for the masses creates Ethical Issues that extend unethical tentacles into the Future.

  3. Dynamic Nature of Morality: Ethical considerations in the Digital Age must account for evolving norms, values, and standards, which may require constant reassessment. The reevaluation of Ethical Standards must, by necessities in accountability transcend boundaries torn down through connectivity and made universal Internationally.

  4. Balancing Individual and Collective Interests: Ethical frameworks must strike a balance between individual autonomy and the collective well-being of the global community. The Global Community is nothing without the autonomy of its individuals, and their freedom to choose an Ethical Path – balancing the needs of the many with the needs of the individual. All must arrive at Prosperity in Harmony with each other.


In the Digital Age of Unethical Personal and Business Practices, traditional ethical theories of DeontologyUtilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics find themselves strained by the complexities and nuances of new modern, unknown challenges. As technology reshapes the World, an Ethical Evolution is imperative.

The Future demands an Ethical Ideology that encompasses All parts of the interconnected nature of our World, that adapts to technological complexities, while accommodating the fluidity of evolving moral norms, which serve all Humanity, and carefully balances the individual’s and the collective interests of the whole. This new Ethical Paradigm should be flexible, adaptive, and deeply attuned to the Digital Era's unique demands, fostering a more Ethical and Harmonious coexistence for the entirety of the Human Species – Ethical Social Development.

Written - August 14th. 2023

R. Anthony H. Rock

(Founder/CEO of TRi-E Foundation)